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Spaz 01-03-2021 07:11 AM

Have you just accepted all this ? Did you at least question it a little ?
No ! You didnt. Your default trust the media programming kicked in and you never even questioned what your insides were telling you was wrong. Its time to think again. Ive been here before,the message overlooked the messenger attacked. No matter to me you will be buried in the same boxes you cannot escape NOW.


Spaz 01-03-2021 07:13 AM

While you were busy not searching out all possible options


Spaz 01-03-2021 07:21 AM

So much to think about. But why let known liars and CIA controlled mass disinfo artist CNN,MSN,MSNBC,FOX do it for you ? There are Many OTHER angles.


Spaz 01-03-2021 07:24 AM

Here is part 1 of some incredible OUT of the box thought. ITS OK TO QUESTION.


Spaz 01-03-2021 07:27 AM

Here is part 2 . If you have no questions you are good with their plans or have no survival instinct. Or both.


Spaz 01-03-2021 07:35 AM

Why ? Who knows ? Lets just look at it and see what it looks like.


Spaz 01-03-2021 07:43 AM

V for vendetta
If you have seen the epic movie V for vendetta you will remember the scene as the police detective starts to realize that ALL the events that had lead them to the point they were at was ALL a PLAN designed to take them to EXACTLY where they were. He like everyone else CONTROLLED BY FEAR played their part without question ,much like you are doing right now. Here lets see if they had a PLAN CANADA ?


Spaz 01-03-2021 07:46 AM

How could they pull it off ? maybe some ideas here .
Again ,just want you to think. Not saying these are ALL the answers.


Spaz 01-04-2021 05:46 AM

so if the people who refuse to wear masks also refuse to get tested .

but those who wear them do get tested and they say its spreading ?
its really time you start to do some thinking.......

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