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10-10-2011, 05:32 PM
Ok so today Bubba ramped up the twitter drama machine against ex-wife heather and Ludlow...

some gems:

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
RT @MrsBTLS: Just had a fabulous lunch w/ @LudlowLebron and @LindaLindaxo. Thank again & much love! Nice.u all can c what I'm up against

That started it all off...

which prompted these replies from bubba:

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
@MrsBTLS just remember who supported u&ur family and ur daughter 4 seven years. Ur really a class act. Thank u 4 making my saddness go awAy

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
Now u can form ur own opinion as2 what she's about. Btw she was doing 2spin classes aday 4 the longest time.Real classy huh.think ofthe kids

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
I'll stand by my opinion that her man hating 46yr old friend linda is who broke our family up.Her &spinclass i wish heather &Julia the best

10-10-2011, 05:36 PM
All this from bubba quickly prompted the Bubba Army to start a campaign to unfollow heather...

and bubba gets madder:

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
@LudlowLebron I will find u.go ahead say it's a threat.Motherfucker it's a promise. fuckin physco stalker now ur fuckin with a mans family

HelpForBikers Help For Bikers
by BTLSRadio@
@BTLSRadio I think all the bubba army should stop following heather! Do it for bubba the poor guy.
2 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

FatTruckerChris Chris
by BTLSRadio
@BTLSRadio you think she realizes that fake titties don't make pretty...? The way she's acting trumps that, and makes her look like a dog...

you gotta like how suddenly all the fans that loved heather suddenly hate her but whatever - that's twitter for ya.

which finally leads us to:

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
I think ludlow has hacked n2 my account and is trying to deactivate it so it all could be gone soon if so. I'm done fighting and I'm gone
41 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

now bubba thinks ludlow is hacking his account (which I'm pretty sure is a felony now)

10-10-2011, 07:03 PM
I talked to Lazlow on Twitter he didn't hack anyones account...

But I just hacked Bubba's account myself which was easy... his password is il0veh00tie

(Just kidding... I hope) :D

Bubba needs to man up and shut the hell up and let his ex wife live her own life. He is going to kill himself soon with him getting worked up over nothing...

If he didnt say anything today no one would have known a thing.

Open Mouth and Insert Foot again Bubba.

10-10-2011, 08:33 PM
inb4 book deal tell all

10-11-2011, 07:21 AM
Bubba deleted all the tweets... http://twitter.com/#!/btlsradio

Also new comments this morning

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
To put a stop 2all this cyber stalking/harassment all u keyboard toughguys might think ur slick/ now the big boys will be involved. Goodluck
2 minutes ago

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
Let's get something clear I'm not off the air 2day2 have a pity party for myself. I'm currently headed 2 a meeting with attorneys/local/Feds
4 minutes ago

10-11-2011, 08:57 AM
Oh Gawd. Bubba is going to end up committing himself over this.

Doug Clem
10-11-2011, 09:21 PM
I hope it is a work. Bubba had an iron clad prenup and it appears that Heather cheated on him with the spin instructor. Just say no to marriage.

10-11-2011, 09:45 PM
Well Bubba who swore off and vowed NEVER to use Twitter again is back again and the Twitter War continues.

What I find interesting is that Bubba now has me Blocked from following him on Twitter... not sure why I never tweeted to him / about him or anything else related to the show and the account name is different then the one I use on the forums.

I could see if I tweeted him on something that he didn't like, but I am have been quiet watching on the sidelines as he continues to throw his entire career away.

Its like a car wreck, you cant turn away!

10-11-2011, 09:55 PM
the fucking feds are moving in. you get to stepping if you know what's good for you.

10-12-2011, 09:28 AM

10-12-2011, 11:19 AM
The funny thing about all this is the other night when he first went off on twitter, later that night he started deleting the hell out of them, but he apparently doesn't know that everything he tweets shows up on the BTLS facebook page..so everything he tweeted then is still up on FB.. :jj:

10-12-2011, 11:32 AM
I hope it is a work. Bubba had an iron clad prenup and it appears that Heather cheated on him with the spin instructor. Just say no to marriage.
just say no to aerobics!

should have bought her a spin machine...

10-12-2011, 11:32 AM
Well Bubba who swore off and vowed NEVER to use Twitter again is back again and the Twitter War continues.

What I find interesting is that Bubba now has me Blocked from following him on Twitter... not sure why I never tweeted to him / about him or anything else related to the show and the account name is different then the one I use on the forums.

I could see if I tweeted him on something that he didn't like, but I am have been quiet watching on the sidelines as he continues to throw his entire career away.

Its like a car wreck, you cant turn away!

10-12-2011, 11:33 AM
The funny thing about all this is the other night when he first went off on twitter, later that night he started deleting the hell out of them, but he apparently doesn't know that everything he tweets shows up on the BTLS facebook page..so everything he tweeted then is still up on FB.. :jj:

foiled by his own social media experiments

10-12-2011, 01:39 PM
I logged into my wifes Twitter Account (she dosent post anything) and she was signed up with him 6 months ago if not longer... and her account too is blocked.

I am thinking he is just blocking everyone now.

Great way to treat your fans Bubba.

10-13-2011, 09:58 AM
bubba's twitter? eh? i'm from the seemingly alternate-reality where i get this...

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
Search for a username, first or last name:

(i know, he's on one of those legendary DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING!!!##@ rolls. especially if he's taking this work "far enough" to where he's getting "the feds" "involved", well, he's not going to want evidence of his countless promises (NOT threats) there for everyone to see. gee, i hope that twitter never had the foresight to log such things just in case of legal ramifications =)

to celebrate my first post here, i close with a pimp bubba:


10-13-2011, 11:16 AM
bubba's twitter? eh? i'm from the seemingly alternate-reality where i get this...

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
Search for a username, first or last name:

(i know, he's on one of those legendary DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING!!!##@ rolls. especially if he's taking this work "far enough" to where he's getting "the feds" "involved", well, he's not going to want evidence of his countless promises (NOT threats) there for everyone to see. gee, i hope that twitter never had the foresight to log such things just in case of legal ramifications =)

to celebrate my first post here, i close with a pimp bubba:

hey now and welcome...

I agree I think about the twitter thing - deleting your shit doesn't delete the record from twitter's database I'm sure. The only way to avoid that side of things would be to just not tweet.

Glad I grabbed those before he deleted em

10-13-2011, 11:23 AM
bubba's twitter? eh? i'm from the seemingly alternate-reality where i get this...

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
Search for a username, first or last name:

(i know, he's on one of those legendary DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING!!!##@ rolls. especially if he's taking this work "far enough" to where he's getting "the feds" "involved", well, he's not going to want evidence of his countless promises (NOT threats) there for everyone to see. gee, i hope that twitter never had the foresight to log such things just in case of legal ramifications =)

to celebrate my first post here, i close with a pimp bubba:


if it says that for you, then he probably blocked you. That's what it says for me as well, he blocked me weeks ago, why, I have no idea.

10-13-2011, 11:25 AM
if it says that for you, then he probably blocked you. That's what it says for me as well, he blocked me weeks ago, why, I have no idea.
anyone notice how twitter is taking away our right to free speech?

10-13-2011, 11:27 AM
Did anyone find it funny that on last nights Bring it On Bubba, Bubba was talking about how Free Speech is so important and he is all for free speech... yet he is the one that told Mutt to close down the Bubba forum at SFN and is the same guy thats trying to shut up everyone who is aling shit about him.

Funny world we live in.

10-13-2011, 11:29 AM
BTW, he's back to taking shots at Heather on twitter...some guy asked him something, he had Heather as his twitter profile pic, this was Bubba's reply to him:

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
@mh4343 ok noprob Buddy.The sameway the person u worship via ur profile pic thought I was a badguy for 7yrs longenough2 save100sof thousands

10-13-2011, 11:30 AM
Did anyone find it funny that on last nights Bring it On Bubba, Bubba was talking about how Free Speech is so important and he is all for free speech... yet he is the one that told Mutt to close down the Bubba forum at SFN and is the same guy thats trying to shut up everyone who is aling shit about him.

Funny world we live in.
mutt's post said the BRN asked him to take it down - that might or might not have come from bubba... for all we know it could have been Bean to be fair.

10-13-2011, 11:31 AM
Did anyone find it funny that on last nights Bring it On Bubba, Bubba was talking about how Free Speech is so important and he is all for free speech... yet he is the one that told Mutt to close down the Bubba forum at SFN and is the same guy thats trying to shut up everyone who is aling shit about him.

Funny world we live in.

lol..to be fair, Bubba has always been more of the "do as I say, not as I do" kind guy..

10-13-2011, 11:31 AM
BTW, he's back to taking shots at Heather on twitter...some guy asked him something, he had Heather as his twitter profile pic, this was Bubba's reply to him:

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
@mh4343 ok noprob Buddy.The sameway the person u worship via ur profile pic thought I was a badguy for 7yrs longenough2 save100sof thousands
fuck I hate how you can't just type a normal sentence on twitter to get your point across...

10-13-2011, 11:55 AM
oh boy - ramp it up again...

MrsBTLS Spartacus
Do u think if you allowed a stranger to tweet as you for a day they'd gain insight to your life? "Twitter guest hosting" hmmmm

so is heather insinuating she's letting ludlow use her account? :bigthink:

10-13-2011, 12:44 PM
I am already so bored with this shit. Let's get to where this needs to go, and quickly:

1) Heather posing nude in a magazine
2) Bubba fucking Christine, followed by a bunch of Florida whores, telling us all about it.

10-13-2011, 03:31 PM
I am already so bored with this shit. Let's get to where this needs to go, and quickly:

1) Heather posing nude in a magazine
2) Bubba fucking Christine, followed by a bunch of Florida whores, telling us all about it.
can we skip both those steps and just get to where Spice is a dick about what you just said :jj:

man I love spice-heat

no homo

10-13-2011, 07:32 PM
oh boy it's on again

Bubba the Love Sponge® Show
Everybody in bubba army land.we got him courtesy of big Sarge

BUBBA ARMY - Bubbas operatives have found out who "Ludlow Lebron" really is - and he is almost certainly Peter Schorsch and this is his main blog. On his other blog he talks shit about Bubba. Dont do anything bad or illegal to him (Kfabe) but keep in mind he has made Bubbas life a living hell. P;ease only conact him and voice your displeasure in a civil, lrgal and friendly way. Show him some bubba army love.

I don't think that 2nd tweet was from bubba though

10-13-2011, 07:34 PM
BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
Wait till u see the rap sheet on this dude.

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
@MrsBTLS i say this as a friend that will always care4u.Please bcareful on who u r hanging&having lunch with. There r some creeps out there

oiy vey

10-13-2011, 09:14 PM
ugh this gonna be a loooong night

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
@LudlowLebron btw asshole. Mikes is public place. And I will have it all on btls.com soon

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
Bubba army. Please give me ur thoughts on this.Do u have any idea the shit storm he has put on me including having lunch with heather

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
@Funat9k what till I release peters rap sheet. Mrs wags has it

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
Hey bubba army now @LudlowLebron says he's gonna file harassment charges on me. Guilty much buddy. Ur fucking pathetic.

10-13-2011, 09:16 PM
BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
Here's the deal @LudlowLebron u know where my studios r I'm on the air tomm 6a-10a come2 studio &prove u are not Peter. HAHA. got ya bitch

how many people have actually shown up at the studio? Has this tactic worked? I'm just wondering...

Jermainthemayne Jermain
by BTLSRadio
@BTLSRadio @ludlowlebron blocked me and for some reason @stpetersblog blocked me too, even though I've only messaged lebron

canabeans2 Marc
by BTLSRadio@
@BTLSRadio @LudlowLebron he has tampered with show guests,met with your wife w/a pending divorce and took pics of ur minor child. GUILTY!

Finally Ludlow fires back:

LudlowLebron Ludlow Lebron
by BTLSRadio@
@BTLSRadio Look at what you've become? Look how pissed you are, Look how much effort you have put into finding me. And you're not even close

10-13-2011, 09:17 PM
ugh this gonna be a loooong night
Ween - Quebec - 01 - It's Gonna Be A Long Night - YouTube

10-13-2011, 09:18 PM
LudlowLebron Ludlow Lebron
by BTLSRadio@
@BTLSRadio 45 y/o man on twitter every night in his sisters spare bedroom, high blood pressure, ready to stroke out. Boom GOT YOU BITCH

BTLSRadio Bubba Clem
@LudlowLebron ding dong. How's the view of my club from ur apartment. I own u

Lebronludlow Lebron
by BTLSRadio
@LudlowLebron @BTLSRadio Peter, so what happens when Michelle starts to get bothered cause of your shit?

oiy fucking vey it never ends

10-14-2011, 07:30 AM
Lud probably is Peter (I really don't care) but the fact that Peter is live on the air with Bubba talking non stop, yet Lud is still posting on twitter like crazy at the same time kind of intrigues me..

I have to admit, it would MAKE MY DAY if it turns out Peter isn't Lebron..:haha:

10-14-2011, 12:32 PM
RT @LudlowLebron @MrsBTLS You wanna have lunch today?

RT @LudlowLebron: @MrsBTLS Hey Heather! Hugs and kisses. This guy is unreal.

And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on.

10-14-2011, 12:45 PM
I lol'd at lindalinda's twitter account though.

He will never give up twitter.

10-14-2011, 12:47 PM
Peter is not Ludlow this I know.

Once again Bubba has a prematre ejacucelebration. :lol:

10-14-2011, 12:50 PM
Awesome, what's the iggy on that deal?

10-14-2011, 12:54 PM
Oh gawd. Amanda Hatley is jumping to the Twitter scene now.

10-14-2011, 02:46 PM
FUCK twatter.

I'm aboot ready to unfollow the whole BRN.

10-14-2011, 04:53 PM
Awesome, what's the iggy on that deal?


I immediately researched the issue and then sent an email to Brent Hatley asking him to let Bubba know I had no clue what was going on, but I was not involved in anything to do with the situation.

Since that time, the situation has only deteriorated, as Bubba’s vaunted army of online friends has engaged me in a virtual war. Once the situation deteriorated to the point where the Bubba Army was harassing my fiance, I called into Bubba’s show, at which point he and I went at each other, swapping attacks as only two verbal assassins like Bubba and myself can do.